Hartland Public Library
61 Center Street, West Hartland, CT 06091
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Tuesdays 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Thursdays 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Hartland Library, along with other area libraries, is discontinuing Hoopla due to the high cost of borrowing. The Library will still offer Libby (ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines) and we are adding Kanopy which is accessed through Libby or the Kanopy app. They offer films, TV shows, and many educational materials. Their Kids area only allows children to choose appropriate materials and at a cost of five tickets for a full month. Please check them out - the library has paid a fee for the year for 25 tickets a month for each patron. Happy Holidays!!
The Board of Trustees of the Hartland Library want to thank the residents of Hartland and the Hartland Town Hall personnel for their support - both fiscally and for use of our space as well as their positive response to our many changes and additions.
The Library has benefitted by the addition of Hoopla and Libby as each of these digital platforms have far exceeded the patron use and number of borrows. Being able to instantly download audio/ ebooks, CDs magazines, tv shows, music, and comics for patrons of all ages and interests has allowed them to enjoy reading and learning. in many various ways. (see attachment)
The Library has finally moved to a self-check and self-return system after a years-long search for an affordable option. We were assisted in our quest through the Connecticut Librarians Collaborative and the good will of mkSolutions and Alexandra presidents. We learned that this move was necessary when we discovered that our old system was not keeping accurate information on our patrons or our materials. During the relabeling system we were notified that we had 6,000 books not 3,000. Trustees are now free to assist patrons and both patrons and Trustees can easily see what is available.
The Library Trustees continued focusing on reaching out to and inviting in the community. We increased the size of our Community Information table and continued our participation at the Hartland Fire Department Carnival, the Hartland Historical Society Christmas event and the local Easter event. We have also been able to augment our materials in several important areas by responding to patrons who wished to donate valuable non-fiction materials.
In the Fall we held our first Open House which was a Grand Reveal for the Hartland Historical Society’s antique canoe. which originally belonged to the Hartland Girl Scout Camp. The beautifully restored canoe now hangs - upside down - from a beam in the Children’s Section of the Library. The Open House brought many residents into the Library and this extended into the Community Room where the Library and local artisans offered items to purchase. This community event also brought many old friends and neighbors together.
The Library replaced a broken shade and repaired all of the shades in the building; had the floors in the library and the entrance stripped and double waxed; stripped and painted the metal railings and added planters which provide seasonal planting. All of which present a pleasant welcome to our patrons.
In the 2024-2025 year ahead we are reaching out to other Hartland organizations to offer a West Hartland Day, continuing to be present on Election Day, at the EHFD Carnaval, the Santa event and the Easter event. We also hope to bring students from the Hartland School on field trips to the Library as well as to work with residents on a new Career section of the Library.
Respectfully submitted, Pam Langer, Trustee Chair and all members of the Hartland Public Library Board
Board Members
2024 Board of Trustees
Pamela Langer, Chair
Amanda Lukingbeal, Co-Chair
Brenda Babbitt - Treasurer
Andrea Wright, Secretary
Kene Daley, Trustee
Cherie Henselder, Trustee
Laura Stevens, Trustee
Linda Ackerman, Trustee
Amy Bourque, Trustee
Meeting Schedule
Hartland Public Library Board of Trustees
2024 Schedule of Trustee Board Meetings
January 13, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom
March 09, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom
May 14, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Library
July 09, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Library
September 10, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Library
November 09, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. TBA
January 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom
Respectfully submitted:
Pamela Langer, Chair - Library Trustee
*Trustees should inform the Chair of any expected absences*
All meetings are open to the public. Special meetings are
called in compliance with notification to the town on an
as-needed basis.