Highway & Transfer Station

"How much your community benefits you is directly proportional to how you benefit your community."



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TransferStation9-10-05aPlease do not leave your recycled oil at the Town Hall Building at 22 South Road. Oil may be dropped off at the new garage building at the transfer station at 12 Welsh Road off Mountain Road. Oil should be in clean containers with contents and resident's name clearly marked on the container. Please keep oil clean - no antifreeze, water or debris. All #2 plastic oil bottles must be recycled. They should be drained as much as possible and placed in cans and bottle containers. Please do not leave any containers of any sort at the transfer station gate by the road. Any questions, please contact the road crew or the Selectmen's Office.

The HARTLAND Transfer Station located on Welsh Road is open every Saturday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Additional hours for 2021 are Wednesday evenings 4:30 - 7:30 PM in June, July, August and September.

Scott M Levan Road Foreman, Jim Stewart, Joe Raskaskaus, Dave Fisher and Seth Lovell


Upcoming Events




04.02.2025 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm




04.07.2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Hartland Town Offices

SELECTMEN'S OFFICE: 860-653-6800
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M-Th 9am – 12pm,  1pm – 4pm
TAX COLLECTOR: 860-653-0609
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
TOWN CLERK: 860-653-0285
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M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
ASSESSOR: 860-653-0287
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M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
REGISTRAR:  860-653-0295
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Wednesday 1pm – 4pm
TRANSFER STATION: 860-653-1259
After Hours: 860-798-2259
Sat 8:30am – 4pm
 June - September additional
Wed 4:30pm – 7:30pm


Town Right-of-Way 
8am – 8pm 
Town Use Sticker Required
Hartland Residents Only

Currently open Sunrise to Sunset 
Town Use Sticker Required
Hartland Residents only

S5 Box



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