Hartland Town Clerk's Office
Therese Gundersen, CCTC, Town Clerk
Linda Gundersen, Assistant Town Clerk
Ali Narvesen, Assistant Town Clerk
Telephone: 860.653.0285
Fax: 860.653.0452
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office and Vault Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 10:00AM - 12:00PM
1:00PM - 4:00PM
The Hartland Town Clerk's Office maintains the land records, maps, agendas and minutes for Hartland's Boards and Commissions. These records are public records and are available for public inspection during our regular office hours.
In Hartland, the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerks act as Registrars of Vital Statistics and maintain records for all births, marriages and deaths of Town residents. Even if the event of a Town resident didn't occur in Hartland, a certificate of the event will be recorded in the Town's Vital Records. Certified copies of these certificates are available through the Town Clerk's office for specific individuals. The parties of a marriage who would like the ceremony to occur in Hartland must obtain a marriage license from the Hartland Town Clerk.
Various other areas fall within the Town Clerk's duties which directly impact the public. These include issuing dog licenses, hunting and fishing licenses and liquor licenses; maintaining lists of Hartland's Justices of the Peace and Notaries, and members of the Town Boards and Commissions; and issuing absentee ballots.
Please select the tabs below for additional information.
Land Records
Town of Hartland property records that were filed from the 1730s to the present are stored in the Town Clerk’s vault. Copies of these documents are available for $1.00 per page. The index of Hartland's Land Records with file dates beginning on January 1, 1963 is available through RECORDhub, hosted by COTT Systems, Inc. Images of land deeds from August 1, 1987 through the present can be purchased through this RECORDhub link.
Maps of Hartland properties filed in the Town Clerk's office are now offered online through RECORDhub as shown above. Full size map copies are still available from the Town Clerk's office. The fee for copies of large maps is $5.00.
Land Recordings MUST be processed at least 15 minutes prior to our office closing time.
NO recordings will be accepted after 3:45PM on our regular business days or after 5:45PM on the evenings of our extended hours.
The Town Clerk's vault closes promptly at 4:00PM Monday through Wednesday and at 6:00PM on the Monday of our extended hours.
The Town Clerk's Office is located in the Hartland Town Hall.
Hartland Town Clerk
P O Box 297
22 South Road
East Hartland, CT 06027
Additional information regarding recordings:
Recording fees:
$60.00 for the first page plus $5.00 for each additional page.
Nominee (MERS) Recording fees:
Assignment/Release, MERS only as Grantor - $159 flat fee
Other types, i.e., Mortgage - $159 fee for first page plus $5.00 for each additional page
Real Estate Conveyance Tax and Fee:
The State of Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Form, OP-236, and payment MUST be received with deeds which are subject to the tax in order to be recorded. Any deed with consideration of $2,000 or more must also include an additional $2.00 fee for the Town Clerk to file the tax forms. Deeds which transfer real property are ineligible for recording without the form, fee and tax payment. When appropriate, the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) must be clearly stated and cannot be recorded if missing.
Conveyance Tax Calculations:
State Conveyance Tax is calculated at .0075 x consideration paid.
Additional State Conveyance Tax for dwellings over $800,000
Local Conveyance Tax is calculated at .0025 x consideration paid.
State of CT Real Estate Conveyance Tax Form, OP-236
Trade Name Certificates are recorded on Hartland's Land Records for a $20.00 fee.
Certificate of Change of Name is recorded on Hartland's Land Records for a $60.00 fee.
Maps are filed in the Town Clerk’s office for a $20.00 fee ($30.00 for a Subdivision map). All maps filed with the Town Clerk shall conform to the provisions of CT State Statute 7-31 and the regulations, Filing Requirements for Maps.
Vital Records
Certified Copies of Birth, Marriage or Death Certificates
As the Town of Hartland's Registrar of Vital Statistics, the Town Clerk maintains birth, marriage and death records for events occurring in Connecticut for all Town residents. A certificate of the these events will be recorded in the Town's Vital Records.
To obtain a Certified Copy of these events through the Town Clerk's office, you must complete a request form. Please select the link below for a copy of the form. Please note that Certified Copies are available with certain restrictions. The Fee is $20.00 per copy.
Birth Certificate Marriage Certificate Death Certificate
Marriage License
The parties of a marriage who would like the ceremony to occur in Hartland must obtain a marriage license from the Hartland Town Clerk. The Marriage license is valid for 65 days. Please plan accordingly. Parties to the marriage must complete a Marriage License worksheet which includes questions about the individuals places of birth, social security numbers, parents' places of birth, mother's maiden name and the expected date of the ceremony. Parties to the marriage must provide proper identification such as a driver's license or passport and must swear an oath. Blood tests are no longer required. There is no waiting period after applying for the license.
Fee is $50.00 (as of July 1, 2018) Marriage License Worksheet
Polls will be open for in-person voting at the Hartland School from 6am to 8pm.
You may vote in person at the Polls. However, if you choose to vote by Absentee Ballot, you must complete an application and submit it to the Town in which you are an elector. Please follow these instructions:
- Complete an Application for Absentee Ballot. Please download a fillable application HERE. Or you may obtain an application in person from the Town Clerk’s office.
- Indicate on the application your reason for requesting the Absentee Ballot.
This is the complete list of reasons for requesting an Absentee Ballot:
- Absence from Town of residence
- Sickness
- Active service in the Armed Forces
- Religious tenets forbidding secular activity on the day of voting
- Serving as an election official in a polling place other than his/her own
- Physical Disability
- Sign the Application for Absentee Ballot.
- Return the original Application to the Town Clerk’s office.
After receiving the application and verifying that the applicant is an elector, the Town Clerk’s office will forward an Absentee Ballot package to the elector. All completed Absentee Ballots must be received by 8pm on Election Day to be counted.
Online Absentee Ballot Request
This new system offers electors the ability to request an Absentee Ballot when an applicant’s signature is available online at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The electronic signature through DMV in this instance is accepted as if it were original. Once an application is complete, the system forwards the application to the Town in which the individual is an elector.
Permanent Absentee Ballots were presented in Legislation which was implemented on January 1, 2013. This status is available to an elector with a permanent disability and is unable to appear in person at their polling place. A doctor's note is required. This status will allow the qualified elector to receive an absentee ballot for each election, primary and referendum in the municipality for which they are eligible to vote. For questions, please call the Town Clerk's office or the Registrars of Voters at 860.653.0295.
Election Results
Please select from the list below which results you would like to view.
Presidential/State Election 2024 - Recanvass
Presidential/State Election 2024
Budget Referendum Results 2024
Presidential Preference Primary Results 2024
Municipal Election Results 2023
State Election Results 2022 Amended State Election Results 2022
Municipal Election Results 2021
Presidential/State Election Results 2020
Dog Licenses
Dog Licensing - 2024
Welcome June…flowers, cookouts, and Dog Licenses!
Each June every dog aged six months and older should be licensed in the owner’s Town of residence. Dogs can only be licensed when current on rabies vaccinations and a certificate with expiration date must be presented each time your dog has received a booster vaccination.
To obtain the first license after a dog has been spayed/neutered, the owner must present a certificate stating the procedure was done. This information is often included on the veterinarian’s rabies certificate.
Current Fees for Licenses: Spayed/Neutered Dogs----------------------- $8.00
Intact Dogs ------------------------------------ $19.00
An additional $1.00 penalty is charged for each month after June when an owner fails to license a dog as required.
Our modified procedure is still available:
Beginning on June 1, all dogs aged 6 months and older must be licensed in the town in which the dog resides. The process to license your dog in Hartland is outlined below. Remember, licensing your dog is the law. (State Statute 22-338).
- Please forward your dog’s information to the Town Clerk’s office. You may download a Dog License Application from this website to provide the necessary resident and dog information.
- Please include a copy of your dog’s current Rabies Certificate if the vaccine has been updated since the last issued license. If your dog’s rabies vaccine has lapsed, we are unable to issue a license. After your dog gets a booster vaccination, please forward the updated rabies certificate with fee and return envelope.
- If your dog hasn’t been licensed in Hartland before or if your dog has been neutered or spayed since the last license, please include the certificate of neuter or spay to ensure your dog license isn’t issued at the amount for an intact dog. The Rabies Certificate may indicate the dog’s spayed/neutered status where dog’s sex is noted.
- We will accept payment by cash or check written to: Town of Hartland. We do not accept credit card or debit card payments. The cost is $8.00 for a neutered/spayed dog and $19.00 for an intact dog.
- Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of the tag.
- Mail this information to:
Hartland Town Clerk
P O Box 297
East Hartland, CT 06027
Drop your envelope
into the white drop-box
placed outside the Town Hall at
22 South Road
(on the parking-lot side of the building)
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
Josh Billings
Sport Licenses
Sport Licenses
The Town Clerk's office acts as an agent for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and as such may issue hunting, fishing, trapping or combination licenses to qualified applicants. These licenses may also be purchased at the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) website.
2024 Freshwater Fishing Regulations
2024 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide
The CT Fisheries Division has partnered with FishBrain, the world's largest fishing APP to provide Connecticut's fishing regulations right to your smart device.
FREE Sports Licenses for 65 and Older
Licenses for firearms hunting, fishing and trapping for sportsmen or sportswomen who are aged 65 or older and who meet hunter education requirements and have been Connecticut residents for at least one year are FREE. These licenses must be renewed annually.
Legal Notices
Legal Notice - Town Audit 2024
Legal Notice - SS Audit 01-2025
Legal Notice - Shared Services Contract 2024-2027
Military Records
Veterans are encouraged to file their honorable discharge papers (DD214) in the Town Clerk's office. To claim a tax exemption, the Town Clerk's office will provide a copy to the Tax Assessor. Only the original document or a certified copy from another town or the Department of Veterans Affairs is valid.
Requests for military records by veterans may be submitted online at:
Board of Education Contracts
Superintendent's Contract Principal's Contract
Notaries Public
State Notary Public Licensing Information
Justice of the Peace
A Town Elector who is unaffiliated or a member of a minor party and is interested in becoming a Justice of the Peace may file an application at the Town Clerk's office between August 1, 2024 and November 1, 2024. The new term begins January 6, 2025 and continues until January 2, 2029. Applications are available at the Town Clerk's office or by clicking the link below.
Application for Appointment to the Office of Justice of the Peace for Town electors who are NOT members of a major party.
An Elector who is a registered Democrat or Republican may apply to become a Justice of the Peace by contacting their respective Town Committee to inquire about an appointment. The next appointment period for an unaffiliate or minor party Elector will be 2028.