Tax Collector

"How much your community benefits you is directly proportional to how you benefit your community."



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Municipal Tax Collectors are bound by the Connecticut General State Statues; these can be found in Volume 4, Section 12 of State Statutes. The Hartland Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of taxes for real estate, motor vehicle and personal property. If you did not receive a tax bill contact our office or view your tax information online.

Retrieving Taxes due and Payments for Income Tax Purposes:
Please click on this website for your information.

If you received a letter from the CT State Marshal or Debt Collector, please contact them to arrange payment. Please be advised that collection fees are applied and you need to settle payment with them.

CT State Marshal phone number is 860-658-2379
Credit Information Bureau phone number is 800-467-4496



This is a reminder that on delinquent Real Estate property a lien will be placed if the taxes are not paid in full by April 30, 2025,
Per State General Statue Sec. 12-195C which results in an additional $24.00 lien fee.

Unable to pay your taxes in full – please contact me to set up a monthly payment agreement.Tax bills are mailed out the last week of June. This includes First and Second Installment.

If you have not received a bill against your Real Estate, Personal Property or Motor Vehicle(s), please call (860) 653-0609.

Real Estate & Personal Property: This is the only tax bill you will receive for this property. No bill will be sent prior to the 2nd installment due date of January 1, (last day to pay/postmark February 1st.). Please place the enclosed Tax Collector Reminder sticker on your December calendar. On escrowed real estate accounts - a bill has already been sent to the escrow company for payment.

Motor Vehicle: The Tax Statement reflects the vehicle(s) you had registered with DMV on October 1st. Please be sure each vehicle you own is on the Tax Statement. If you have added or changed a vehicle since October 1, you will be receiving a pro-rated bill the end of December, (due January 1). If you did not receive a bill for a vehicle you owned on October 1st, please contact the Tax Office. Failure to receive a bill does not relieve or excuse the obligation of the bill due. Contact the Assessor's Office immediately (653-0287) if you have a question concerning a vehicle being taxed or if you no longer own a listed vehicle and the license plate did not move to a new vehicle, or if the car is now registered in another state.
Office Hours: The regular hours for the Tax Office are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (closed from 12 – 1 for lunch).

TAX OFFICE (860) 653-0609
Payment Instructions:
Make check payable to: Tax Collector, Town of Hartland
Payment may be made in person at: Hartland Town Hall, 22 South Road, East Hartland, CT 06027
Or by mail to: PO Box 267, East Hartland, CT 06027
Regular Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 10 am – 12 noon; 1-4 pm (closed 12-1 for lunch)

Please mail your bill along with payment for accuracy, in the form of a Bank check, personal check or money order. This office does not except Credit cards or debit cards.

Extended Hours: Every 2nd Monday of each month the Office is opened 10 am - 12 noon - 1 pm - 6 pm

Write your LIST NUMBER(S) on the front of your check. You may pay multiple bills with a single check. You may use one envelope for multiple payments. For return receipts, include a self-addressed stamped envelope with payment. When paying in person, BRING THE ENTIRE BILL with you. Please note any address changes on your bill. For return receipts, include the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope with payment.

The July installment is due on July 1, the January installment is due on January 1. You have a one-month grace period from the due date in which to pay taxes without penalty. The last day to pay/postmark the July installment, without penalty, is AUGUST 1st.. The last day to pay/postmark January installment, without penalty, is February 1st. Late payments are subject to interest charge at the rate of 1.5% per month from the due date (18% per year). Minimum statutory interest, per list number, is $2.00.

Escrowed accounts - a bill has already been mailed to your mortgage company for payment.

This Office will provide a copy of your Real Estate tax bill for your records, per your request only.

Non-escrowed accounts - This is the only tax bill you will receive for this property. No bill will be sent prior to the 2nd installment due date of January 1, (LAST DAY TO PAY/POSTMARK IS FEBRUARY 1st.). Enclose the "Return with Second Payment" stub along with your second installment payment. Place the attached Tax Collector Reminder sticker on your December, calendar. If the notation "BACK TAXES ALSO DUE" appears on the bill, there are prior taxes due on the listed property. Pursuant to state statutes, the Tax Office must apply payments to the oldest tax due, interest first. Contact the Tax Office for updated amounts due.

This is the only tax bill you will receive for this property. No bill will be sent prior to the 2nd installment due date of January 1, (LAST DAY TO PAY/POSTMARK IS FEBRUARY 1st.). Enclose the "Return with Second Payment" stub along with your second installment payment. Place the attached Tax Collector Reminder sticker on your December/January calendar.
A Personal property declaration must be filed each year and are mailed from the Assessor's Office on October 1. Failure to respond annually to the Assessor results in an automatic 25% penalty. Personal property bills cannot be pro-rated. Contact the Assessor's Office (860-653-0287) if you no longer own the personal property.

All motor vehicle taxes are due in full by July 1st no later than August 1st. This statement covers the assessment period of October 1, through September 30, and includes all motor vehicles you had registered with DMV on October 1. Please contact the Tax Office if you did not receive a bill for a vehicle you owned on October 1. If a vehicle has been sold, destroyed, stolen or registered in another state, please contact the Assessor's Office (860) 653-0287. If the license plate has been transferred to another vehicle, you will automatically receive a prorated bill the end of December, this becomes a Supplemental Motor Vehicle bill due January 1st (to be paid/postmarked by February 1st.). For questions regarding motor vehicle valuations or the Assessment Appeals process, call the Assessor's Office. Motor Vehicle appeals are heard in September.

Per state statute, delinquent motor vehicle taxes are reported to the DMV, which will deny registration renewal on all vehicles in your name until all taxes, interest and penalties owed to the Town are paid in full. To obtain the required release form, payment must be made in cash, money order or bank check.

There is a $25 fee for all returned checks
Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from payment of taxes, interest charges and collection costs accrued. (CT Gen Stat 12-130, 12-146).
The Tax Collector has no authority to waive interest.

Upcoming Events




04.02.2025 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm




04.07.2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Hartland Town Offices

SELECTMEN'S OFFICE: 860-653-6800
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M-Th 9am – 12pm,  1pm – 4pm
TAX COLLECTOR: 860-653-0609
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
TOWN CLERK: 860-653-0285
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M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
ASSESSOR: 860-653-0287
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M,Tu,W 10am-12pm,  1pm - 4pm
REGISTRAR:  860-653-0295
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Wednesday 1pm – 4pm
TRANSFER STATION: 860-653-1259
After Hours: 860-798-2259
Sat 8:30am – 4pm
 June - September additional
Wed 4:30pm – 7:30pm


Town Right-of-Way 
8am – 8pm 
Town Use Sticker Required
Hartland Residents Only

Currently open Sunrise to Sunset 
Town Use Sticker Required
Hartland Residents only

S5 Box



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